
Commonplaces : Dutch Courses

The school that teaches Dutch language the cultural way !


Society and language are mutually indispensable.

“Language can have developed only in a social setting, however this may have been structured, and human society in any form even remotely resembling what is known today or is recorded in history could be maintained only among people utilizing and understanding a language in common use.”



Dutch language teacher

Intercultural knowledge

Qualitative and interactive classes


Communicative method

Cultural awareness

2 Field trips

Tailor made courses

Incompany courses

Personalized classes

Private classes


Why COMMONPLACES makes sense!

At Commonplaces, you will get to know the Dutch language while learning about culture.
How and where can you meet people? What are the different strategies to get to know the Dutch? How to function and adapt quickly in Dutch culture and society?

For instance you will become aware of the commonplaces about Dutch people, and when you get to know them better, you might start to look beyond their peculiarties and habits, and maybe even think about integrating up until you appreciate the Dutch lifestyle.

As language is our main means of communication, I will help you to get to know the ins & outs of our Dutch language and culture from the beginning to the end. With the help of learning vocabulary, grammar, conversation, listening, and excursions. I would love to help you to get to know the Dutch language with common sense. 

Aerial view of various coffee

Dutch Course : Tuesday & Thursday evening 18.00-20.30 (online available)First Encounters: food, coffee and beerAbsolute beginner level A0-A1 

Food, Beer, Coffee, and Going Shopping

Dutch Course A0-1

Focusing on basic Dutch conversations:Basic grammar and vocabulary.Feeling comfortable making small talk.Practicing speaking in fieldtrips.20215 januari- 16 februari1 maart-16 april3 mei- 18 juni Duration 6 weeks (30 hours)Price: € 495,- (including books and 2 excursions)Participants: min. 6-8

Subscribe Colorful tulip field in front of a Dutch windmill under a nicely clouded sky

Dutch course: Monday- Wednesday Evening 18.00-20.30 (online available)Dutch Cultural LandscapeBeginners level A1-A2

Dutch Cultural Landscape

Dutch Course A1-A2

Thematic lessons on several cultural themes :the weather, NAP,  social life.Gaining enough confidence to participate in small talkVocabulary is obtained by reading.Additional and effective grammarPersuading you to actively participate.20215 januari – 16 februari1 maart – 16 april3 mei-18 juniPrice: € 495- (including books and 2 excursions)Participants: min. 6-8

Subscribe Vector illustration of a De Stijl-styled frame.

 Tailor made Dutch course on Dutch culture 12.00-13.30 (online available)Specials  7 x 1,5 hour classesThematic courses All levels

Dutch Cultural Landscape

Tailormade courses around a specific cultural themeExamples: The  Dutch Weather, De Stijl, Nijntje, Leids Ontzet, De Waterwerken, Nederland Waterland, The importance of being cheap in the Netherlands, Book clubs etc.20215 januari- 16 februari ( 3 weeks or 7 weeks)Price: € 350-Participants: min. 6-8

Subscribe Facades of old historic Houses over canal water, Amsterdam, Netherlands at fall

Dutch course: Tuesday and Thursday morning 09.00-11.30 (online available)Street life and country roads Intermediate A1 – A2

Street life and country roads

Course A2 Intermediate 1

Dutch course: learning through participation; speaking, reading, and socializing in city and country life.Going on a field trip and organizing a field tripIn this course we expect you to be able to understand, speak (becoming fluent) and have sufficient vocabulary to have small conversations about all sorts of subjects. It means you will try to socialize actively with the Dutch, but you will need their help to learn to speak better. This course also aims to inform you on  information about the municipality, learn about the differences between city life and countryside living how about finding a job, a proper housing and understanding Dutch bureaucracy and politics.In this course I will ask you to actively participate: Actively participating means going to a sportsclub, inviting neighbours or collegues to have a drink and socializing, going to a concert, participating in a Dutch book club.(you could initiatie one yourself). And of course I will leave it to your own imagination as what you want to focus on. But the most important thing will be that you will start to interact with the Dutch.20215 januari- 16 februari1 maart-18 april3 mei-18 juniDuration: 6 weeks (30 hours)Price: € 495,- (including books and 2 excursions)Participants: min. 4- max. 6

Subscribe Politics

Dutch Course: Wednesday afternoon 14.30-17.00 (online available)History and Politics in the LowlandsIntermediate A2-B1

History and politics in the Lowlands.

Cursus A2-B1 Intermediate 2

You will gain more vocabulary through reading, writing and discussing the news, the political and the historical developments in the Netherlands.2 Excursions included.In this course you will go deeper into learning Dutch. I will ask you to actively read newspapers, we will visit the Tweede Kamer (House of commons), and doing presentations and roleplay will be an important part of this course.In this course I want you to be able to discuss citizenship subjects, be able to aknowledge differences and discuss the advantages of living in the Netherlands (we love you to be positive about our country). And of course we want to learn from you. After this course I want you to be able to speak almost fluenty, and write texts correctly. Grammar still might be a challenge, but the continous practice makes perfect.20215 januari- 19 februari1 maart – 19 aprilDuration:  12 weeks (30 hours)Price: € 450,- (including books and 2 excursions)Participants: min. 4- max. 6

Subscribe Two architects working on project in studio

Dutch course: Monday afternoon 14.30-17.00 (online available)Dutch Course preparing for work or studyAdvanced B1-B2-C1

Work and study

Cursus B1- B2- C1Focussing on perfecting writing, comprehensive reading and fluent conversation.Gericht op het perfectioneren van het schrijven, begrijpend lezen en het vloeiend spreken van de Nederlandse taal.Intensive course/ Intensieve cursusThis course will prepare you for getting to start studying and/or working whilst living in the Netherlands. You are an independent speaker now and you feel confident in both speaking, reading and writing. Perhaps you start to maybe feel at home in the Netherlands. So therefore the rest of the content is in Dutch :In deze cursus bereid ik je voor op deelname aan de Nederlandse samenleving. Je wilt een baan zoeken, studeren, voor langere tijd hier wonen. We  oefenen sollicitatiegesprekken, netwerken, studievaardigheden en leren over het reilen en zeilen van de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, het onderwijs en de samenleving.Schrijven is een belangrijk onderdeel van de cursus.Both avaible as a group course or as a private course.Start: On DemandDuration:  12 weken (30 hours)Price: € 450,- (including books and 2 excursions)Participants: min. 4- max. 6

Subscribe Elin Rolfes

Who am I?

An antropologist at heart, that loves to teach you about  culture and Dutch language.

Elin Rolfes

I have several years of experience teaching Dutch (NT2) to foreigners, both adults and children. I would like to help you to gain enough confidence to speak the language freely and without hesitation. My advice practice makes your languages skills perfect and do not forget to make mistakes so you can learn how to improve yourself in this new learned language.

I have a Masters  (M.A.) in Cultural Anthropology and I have a Masters (MSc.) as a Teacher  in Social Sciences. I am also a certified teacher Dutch as a second language (NT2). As I am an experienced second language learner and practitioner myself. Even though my mother tongue and nationality is Dutch. I was born in Lebanon , moved to Austria and had to learn German.  And I have done my fieldwork in  France and had to learn French again. Therefore I had to learn new languages myself and as with learning languages comes the knowledge of cultural habits. That is why I have integrated the knowledge of our Dutch culture into my courses.

I would like to help you to get to know the Dutch in the common way and to look beyond the commonplaces.

My method

Gaining confidence in speech. Speaking: learning to just do it.
Overcoming fear of making mistakes.
Through text, speaking, and writing gaining knowledge about Dutch culture.


Field trips

In the Beginners courses the fieldtrips are organized.
The field trips aim to help you  to speak more freely and feel more confident.
A fiedltrip could also be participating in debates, or doing a theatre workshop.


Book your first course and your gift will be:

 The book: Fluent in three month by Benny Lewis


mail: elin.commonplaces@gmail.com

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